Will Uneducated Middle Class White People Vote Against Their Interest by NOT Voting for President Obama?
White men
without college degrees--like any ethnic group of adults without college
degrees--tend toward the lower end of the income scale. And relative to the
policies of Mitt
Obama's policies tend to offer more of a helping hand to lower-income people.
So you might think that most people without a college degree might be more
favorably disposed toward Obama. You would also think that lower income whites
would be in favor of programs that will assist them in climbing the economic
ladder. In Reality, this is not the case. Are uneducated white voters voting
against their own interest by not voting for President Obama?
In 2009, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services set the poverty level at $10,830 for one person, $14,570 for a family of two, $18,310 for a family of three, and $22,050 for a family of four. According to the National Center for Children in Poverty, a family is defined as "low income" when it earns less than double these figures. Contrary to popular idealism, the center also reports that most of America's low-income families are white American citizens.
According to a
Washington Post Poll that asked which candidate would do more to advance their
families’ economic interests, middle-class white voters
who said they were struggling to maintain their financial positions chose Mitt Romney. In this
category Romney beats Barack Obama by 58% to 32%.
We would think
that the way out of poverty or being poor is a good education or a college
degree. Education is also another way to insure the sustainability of America’s
middle class. Mr. Romney supports the Ryan budget that has proposed 115 billion in cuts to the Education Department over 10
years. On higher education, the Romney campaign has said it would reintroduce
private lenders into the federal loan system, reversing a change enacted under
Mr. Obama. The Obama plan, which has the federal government making the loans
directly to students, is projected to save the federal government up to $68
billion over 11 years. Instead the Romney option will cost taxpayers tens of billions
of dollars over a decade without saving students money and put more burdens on
families according to several higher education analysts.
undedicated white blue-collar workers, who are even in unions, have turned away
from their support of President Obama. You would think that the many attacks
that Romney has taken at unionized labor, these same uneducated white men would
think that their workplace rights, safety and benefits will be in jeopardy. Mr.
Romney has pledged to; end preference for unionized
companies in government contracting, he opposes collective bargaining, end
project labor agreements and prevent unions from being able to spend member
dues on political activities. Nationally, there are more white men in blue collar
and public safety unions than any other ethnic group. In 2011, the Republican
Party also voted against the American
Jobs Act. This plan included stimulus spending in the form of immediate
infrastructure investments and efforts to shore up state and local budgets to
prevent further layoffs of teachers, firefighters, police officers, and other
public safety officials. Mr.
Romney is also quoted in saying that there is a need for less Police and
Firemen. The Romney policies will attack collective bargaining, rights and
benefits of Police and Firemen and other first responders. These jobs
historically have been held by white middle class families. Police unions have
been silent and confused because the party that always supported them has now
betrayed them in support of big business and Corporate America.
undedicated white blue-collar workers, who are even in unions, have
turned away from their support of President Obama. You would think that
the many attacks that Romney has taken at unionized labor, these same
uneducated white men would think that their workplace rights, safety and
benefits will be in jeopardy. Mr. Romney has pledged to; end preference
for unionized companies in government contracting, he opposes
collective bargaining, end project labor agreements and prevent unions
from being able to spend member dues on political activities.
Nationally, there are more white men in blue collar and public safety
unions than any other ethnic group. In 2011, the Republican Party also
voted against the American Jobs Act.
This plan included stimulus spending in the form of immediate
infrastructure investments and efforts to shore up state and local
budgets to prevent further layoffs of teachers, firefighters, police
officers, and other public safety officials. Mr.Romney is also quoted in
saying that there is a need for less Police and Firemen. The Romney
policies will attack collective bargaining, rights and benefits of
Police and Firemen and other first responders. These jobs historically
have been held by white middle class families. Police unions have been
silent and confused because the party that always supported them has now
betrayed them in support of big business and Corporate America.
As the campaign moves forward, the Republican welfare, food-stamp imagery might not play as well, political analysts say. The truth of the matter is, in a nation where millions of families are struggling to get by, most people who depend on food stamps are white, according to government data and program administrators. One in seven Americans now rely on food stamps, which give low-income people - a family of four with an annual gross income of less than $29,064, for example - help to buy groceries. Nationally, at least 36 percent of the 46 million people on food stamps are white, 22 percent are black, and 10 percent Hispanic, according to factcheck.org.
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has claimed that President Obama singlehandedly removed the welfare reform law's requirement that ensure a certain percentage of welfare recipients engage in work or work-related activities. In fact, the Obama plan would consider waivers of certain federal welfare rules for states interested in trying new projects to boost employment among welfare beneficiaries. Again, the reality is out of the 14 million welfare recipients in America about 39 percent of parents on welfare are White, 37 percent Black, 18 percent Hispanic and 6 percent Asian.
Throughout the nation uneducated middle class whites do not believe that The Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) will positively benefit them. But in fact, many white middle class families will benefit from; getting insurance for kids with pre-existing conditions, children staying on their parents' plan until 26, free mammograms and colonoscopies for women, free preventative care for women and families are entitled to rebates from their insurance companies. In addition, an estimated 47 million women across America gained access to eight new medical services at no out-of-pocket cost.
Uneducated white men have been more receptive (especially in the face of tough economic times) to the right’s rhetoric unrelenting efforts to create culturally based resentment of President Obama. Many have seen hints of racism in the rhetoric in the name calling of the President by the Republicans, which Romney, Ryan and others that have used theses code words dispute. Sadly to say, this anti-government, Obama anger will make uneducated whites vote against their own interest.
On MSNBC, Morning Joe Show, James Hoffa, President of the Teamsters and Richard Trumka, President of the AFL-CIO said that their organizations will be going door to door to speak to uneducated union and non union white men on the real policies of the Republican Party against the White working middle class.
Benjamin Franklins once said “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” The Romney ticket has represented policies that will adversely affect the uneducated white middle class and poor. Even knowing this, undedicated middle class white will still support him. None of this means all the supporters are racist. But it does suggest they make their appeal on racial ground which will be a detriment to the white middle class and American middle class in general.
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